NDP to push for reforms regarding prorogation of parliament
NDP propose restrictions on Harper’s powers | NDP
“Today I am announcing that the New Democrats will bring proposals for legislation to limit the power of prorogation so the Prime Minister cannot abuse it. The government should only prorogue Parliament on a vote in the House of Commons. This will inform the Governor General of the will of the majority, so that prorogation happens when it is needed – not simply when the Prime Minister feels like it.
“In five days, on January 25, we will be here on the Hill, ready to do the jobs Canadians elected us to do. We will have MPs on the job, here in Ottawa, but we’ll be fanning out across the country too. Teams of our MPs will visit ridings and talk to Canadians about EI and pensions, climate change and credit card protection, all the critical issues facing our country.

“Today I am announcing that the New Democrats will bring proposals for legislation to limit the power of prorogation so the Prime Minister cannot abuse it. The government should only prorogue Parliament on a vote in the House of Commons. This will inform the Governor General of the will of the majority, so that prorogation happens when it is needed – not simply when the Prime Minister feels like it.
“In five days, on January 25, we will be here on the Hill, ready to do the jobs Canadians elected us to do. We will have MPs on the job, here in Ottawa, but we’ll be fanning out across the country too. Teams of our MPs will visit ridings and talk to Canadians about EI and pensions, climate change and credit card protection, all the critical issues facing our country.

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