Pie throwing a terrorist act? Ridiculous!
Pie tossing is terrorism, MP says
Although I don't agree with much of what PETA says and does, I think anyone is an idiot for thinking that PETA is a terrorist organization (or that they should be investigated to determine if PETA is a terrorist organization under the definitions of the terrorist act). Stretching the terrorist act to include pie-throwing would be an abuse of the law. I think it should result in maybe overnight jail time with a conditional discharge (if anything) when it is done to a member of the government.

Although I don't agree with much of what PETA says and does, I think anyone is an idiot for thinking that PETA is a terrorist organization (or that they should be investigated to determine if PETA is a terrorist organization under the definitions of the terrorist act). Stretching the terrorist act to include pie-throwing would be an abuse of the law. I think it should result in maybe overnight jail time with a conditional discharge (if anything) when it is done to a member of the government.

I am currently writing a blog on this as well.
However, you might want to read the article more carefully - for it is a *LPC* MP who is calling "terrorism" here. Not a CPC one ...
Let's just hope PETA doesn’t throw a pie at Israel or the Cons will reinstate the death penalty
It probably is according to the law since it could technically considered to be a violent act inspired by political beliefs.
So what does that say about the law.
Thanks Mentarch. I stand corrected. In this time of so many ridiculous Conservative party actions, I guess I got carried away and missed a detail.
If the law DOES include pie-throwing, it should amended to exclude "statements" (like pie-throwing) from being a terrorist act.
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