Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Municipal elections: Labour Council endorsements in Toronto, Durham, Brampton, Mississauga

Municipal Elections 2010
Before Labour Council endorses someone for City Council, we sit down with them and go over the key issues for this election. What kind of questions do we ask? We want to know about their participation in the local community, and their priorities for the ward after the election. A real emphasis is on the role of public services in our society, and where they stand on alternative financing, contracting out and privatization of public services. Transit is a big ticket item, from expanding to the suburbs to keeping it affordable and under public control. The Fair Wage policy needs updating.

Of course we want their views on finding the balance between fair taxes and the cost of services. But there is also a role for the City around economic development, protecting or creating good jobs in the diverse sectors such as aerospace, film and green manufacturing.

And finally, we want to know about what work they have done on equity and human rights, and how they would promote the equity agenda as a City councilor. There are no simple answers to running the fifth largest government in the country. When you seen someone being endorsed by Labour Council, we have given a lot of consideration to why they would earn our vote.

Visit the link for the list and map

1 comment:

Mark @ Israel said...

This is a very good and ideal way to choose a candidate who is fit to be a City Councilor. I just hope every city and every country in this world follows this example so that anyone who votes is guided to vote for a competent, qualified and deserving person.