NDP Lead in Quebec
NDP surges to top spot in Quebec,Bloc Québécois campaign flagging | iPolitics
Montreal Gazette: NDP surge to the lead in Quebec: poll

The latest polls in Quebec by CROP and EKOS both put the NDP in the lead now over all the other parties. If this carries over to election day, it will be an historic moment for Quebec, the NDP and politics in Canada.
NDP: 31%
Bloc: 23.7%
LPC: 20.6%
CPC: 16.9%
NDP: 36%
Bloc: 31%
CPC: 17%
LPC: 13%
Such momentum can only help to push the NDP higher in the polls across the rest of Canada. At the rate they are rising, we may even see a minority NDP government with a Conservative opposition.
More news and posts on this topic:
Cyberpresse.ca : The NDP took the lead in Quebec
(Note: this is the google translated page)
Mike Watkins dot ca: NDP Lead in Quebec
Blunt Objects: NDP officially becomes the new Bloc Quebecois

Cyberpresse.ca : Seriously, good Jack!
(also translated by google here)
Montreal Gazette: NDP surge to the lead in Quebec: poll
The latest polls in Quebec by CROP and EKOS both put the NDP in the lead now over all the other parties. If this carries over to election day, it will be an historic moment for Quebec, the NDP and politics in Canada.
NDP: 31%
Bloc: 23.7%
LPC: 20.6%
CPC: 16.9%
NDP: 36%
Bloc: 31%
CPC: 17%
LPC: 13%
Such momentum can only help to push the NDP higher in the polls across the rest of Canada. At the rate they are rising, we may even see a minority NDP government with a Conservative opposition.
More news and posts on this topic:
Cyberpresse.ca : The NDP took the lead in Quebec
(Note: this is the google translated page)
Mike Watkins dot ca: NDP Lead in Quebec
Blunt Objects: NDP officially becomes the new Bloc Quebecois
Cyberpresse.ca : Seriously, good Jack!
(also translated by google here)
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